HARRISBURG – In honor of National Rare Disease Day on Feb. 28, Reps. Marcy Toepel (R-Montgomery) and Mark Longietti (D-Mercer), as well as Sens. Judy Ward (R-Blair/Cumberland/Franklin/Fulton/Huntingdon) and John Blake (D-Lackawanna/Luzerne/Monroe) will serve as co-chairs for Pennsylvania’s Rare Disease Caucus for the 2019-20 Legislative Session. News headings Toepel, Longietti, Ward and Blake will work with…
Harrisburg, PA – Governor Tom Wolf today signed legislation to establish a Rare Disease Advisory Council in Pennsylvania. The law is a step forward to help more than 1.2 million Pennsylvanians suffering from a rare disease. Act 14, House Bill 239, was introduced by Representative Marcy Toepel, and establishes the Rare Disease Advisory Council, consisting…